Part-time with Elora
What is the difference between part-time and full-time work?
08 JUNE 2020
Part-time jobs: Elora has the information you need!
Part-time work: working half the statutory working time
A part-time job is one in which you work half the legal working time. In France, the statutory working week is 35 hours. This number of hours may be higher or lower depending on collective bargaining arrangements. The maximum working week is 48 hours.
In terms of pay, an employee working part-time receives a salary calculated pro rata to the number of hours worked. Their hourly rate must therefore be equal to that of an employee working full-time in the same company, in an equivalent position.
Part-time work: working less than the legal working hours
A part-time job involves working for less time than a full-time employee. The minimum working week is generally defined by an agreement or an extended branch agreement. Where this is not specified, it is set at 24 hours a week.
As far as pay is concerned, the same principle applies as for a part-time job: pay is calculated on a pro rata basis according to the actual working time.
Half-time and part-time: combining a second job
Whether you work part-time or full-time, it's perfectly possible to combine two paid jobs and earn extra income from home. The only condition is that you have to work 48 hours a week.
Many full-time employees ask their employers for part-time work so that they can devote themselves to setting up their own business. This is particularly true of people who want to start a home-based business. If you want to join Elora as a VDI, you manage your own time, so part-time or full-time work is entirely possible!