Working part-time
What is a part-time job?
18 JUNE 2020
A part-time job is a job where the working time is less than the legal working time and the collective working time in the company. But how does it work?
Part-time: limited working hours
Part-time work means working less than :
- the statutory annual working time of 1,607 hours ;
- the statutory weekly working time of 35 hours, or less depending on the company or the collective agreement in the branch concerned;
- the monthly working time in accordance with the French Labour Code.
Working hours under a part-time or half-time contract may be organised on a yearly, monthly or weekly basis. The decision is taken at the request of the employee, or by means of a company agreement.
An employee working part-time must work a minimum of 24 hours per week, except where this is set by an industry agreement.
The different types of part-time jobs
There are different types of part-time jobs:
- part-time work for family reasons: the employee alternates between full-time work and rest periods;
- weekly part-time: the working hours remain fixed and identical each week;
- monthly part-time: the working time remains fixed and identical each month;
- year-round part-time: the weekly or monthly working hours vary according to the period;
- intermittent part-time: the employee alternates between periods worked and periods not worked.
These different types of part-time jobs are ideal for starting up a complementary activity and earning extra income from home.
How do I get a part-time job?
If your company has a branch agreement, the procedure is automatically provided and must be followed. The employer then has a legal period in which to accept or refuse the employee's request. If there is no industry agreement, the employee must submit his request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, six months before the desired date of the change to part-time work. Once the letter has been received, the employer has three months in which to accept or refuse the request. The employer may only refuse under certain conditions, and must justify the refusal by proving that the move to part-time work would be detrimental to the company.
Good reasons for working part-time
Working part-time or part-time is the best way to achieve professional and personal fulfilment. It frees up time to devote to an activity that is more rewarding and fulfilling than a traditional job. At Elora, we support our future sales consultants by offering a dynamic, family-friendly working environment. To ensure your success and prosperity, we offer training in ready-to-wear sales, and support you throughout your career.
Another advantage of going part-time is that it gives you a better work-life balance. As an advisor, you decide on your own hours and workload. Working from home allows you to devote more time to your family and hobbies, without cutting into your budget. In fact, your additional activity allows you tosupplement your income according to your needs and investment. By working for Elora, you'll have a tailor-made career, with no stress and no constraints!