Find a second part-time job
How can I combine two jobs?
11 MARCH 2021
Do you have a job in a company, but want to combine two positions and find a second job? On a part-time basis, you can become a VDI and retain your status as a salaried employee in a traditional company at the same time. It's perfectly possible to hold two jobs at the same time, but it does require a certain amount of organisation. With ELORA, you can be both an employee and a part-time self-employed home seller. So how do you go about being an independent home seller and an employee at the same time? We'll explain everything in detail.
How can I legally hold down a second job?
It is permitted by law to hold two jobs at the same time. Employees who take on a second job alongside their current one must comply with a number of rules in order to be able to do so legally.
In particular, they must comply with the obligation of loyalty, which requires them not to develop an activity that competes with that of their employer. In other words, they must not harm their employer in any way.
Be careful to check that you are not subject to an exclusion clause, which prevents you from holding several jobs at the same time.
Organising to combine two jobs
The key to being both a part-time VDI and an employee is to get organised. Your diary is your best ally in making sure you don't forget anything: sales, paid work, customer relations, personal life, etc. Divide your tasks into different time slots to make sure you can manage combining jobs perfectly.
In short, combining two jobs is possible if you are perfectly organised and if your employment situation allows you to do so.