VDI status and unemployment
How do I declare my VDI income to Pôle Emploi?
24 MARCH 2021
If you're interested in the status of self-employed home salesperson and would like answers to your questions about combining this activity with your unemployment benefit, you've come to the right place!
You should know that VDI status is compatible with receiving unemployment benefit. However, there are some differences with the classic status of permanent contract or fixed-term contract. In this article, we give you all the details on combining these statuses, the social protection you can benefit from and VDI status in general.
VDI status
All ELORA consultants choose the status of independent home salesperson. This status was created in 1993 and has the advantage of being accessible without conditions. To qualify for VDI status, you don't need to have any qualifications or experience in your chosen field. All you need is to be over 18 and motivated!
With VDI status, you can become self-employed, supplement your current income, or work in a field that you really enjoy. Thanks to this profession, you can work completely independently, from home or wherever you like, managing your schedule according to your needs and desires.
Please note: the VDI profession is governed by specific laws. That's why it's important to be familiar with the various regulations in force.
It's a status that's perfectly compatible with a busy family life or a desire to set up your own business in a field that suits you. To get 100% fulfilment from your work as an independent door-to-door salesperson, we advise you to choose a brand that shares your values and in which you believe.
Becoming an Elora home assistant
Social security, pensions and tax issues
Are you wondering about the social protection offered by VDI status? Good news! As a self-employed home sales agent, you are entitled to basic health and pension insurance benefits under the same conditions as all those subject to the general Social Security scheme.
You therefore have access to maternity, sickness and invalidity insurance benefits, among others, but you must meet certain conditions (minimum number of hours worked, minimum length of registration, etc.). Please contact our team to find out more.
On the other hand, VDIs do not contribute to supplementary pension schemes and therefore do not have access to the same rights as more traditional types of status. The same applies to unemployment insurance: by working as a VDI, you do not accumulate unemployment rights.
If you are 100% VDI, it's a good idea to keep your budget under control and put money aside every month to give yourself a safety cushion. You can, for example, define the budget you need each month to live on and treat yourself. The surplus can be set aside in another account to provide a cushion in case of need.
Finally, as far as taxation is concerned, VDIs act as self-employed workers and therefore declare their earnings forincome tax purposes.
Combining ARE and VDI activity
Under certain conditions, you can combine your VDI activity with your unemployment benefit. It is possible to receive back-to-work benefits (ARE) while working as a VDI.
There are several possible situations:
You become a VDI before losing your main job: you receive 100% of your entitlements and your activity;
You become a VDI after losing your salaried job: you can combine your rights and your activities, but will receive unemployment benefit based on your profits.
Please note that you can combine your VDI remuneration with ARE if it does not exceed the monthly reference salary.
For more information on combining your Pôle Emploi and VDI income, contact your Pôle Emploi advisor or our ELORA team.
Declaring your income to Pôle Emploi
Are you receiving unemployment benefit and have decided to become a VDI? You must inform Pôle Emploi of your VDI status so that they can receive your monthly commission statements from ELORA.
An annual adjustment may also be set up. You will then have to declare the hours worked to Pôle Emploi, stating your actual hours and commissions.
Income declarations to Pôle Emploi are made every month and can be made directly online via the dedicated platform.
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