What kind of work from home can a housewife do?
Working from home for housewives
03 NOVEMBER 2021
Are you a stay-at-home mum who's tempted by the idea of a side job? If so, you should know that as a mum you can work from home with flexible hours and be paid for it. How can you do this? Quite simply by turning to home-based selling as a self-employed person (more commonly known as VDI). With no financial investment, you can start up a new business, for example as a fashion consultant.
Here's a closer look at what you need to know to get started, with Elora.
Working from home for stay-at-home mothers: what questions should you ask ?
Whether it's to make the most of your time when you're not with your children or to take on a new challenge, you can take up a part-time paid job. However, before making a choice, you need to ask yourself a number of questions.
How much time do you have available each week?
This is the first point to consider. As a stay-at-home mum, there's no point in working for a brand that imposes a schedule on you, because you won't be able to look after your children full-time. Ask yourself a few questions beforehand:
- How much time do I have each day to devote to this new activity?
- Which working days are best for me ?
It's important to answer as honestly as possible and not to overestimate the time you have available. The aim is to find the right balance between family life and work. To help you, list all your tasks and commitments for the week. For each item, estimate how much time it takes up on a daily basis. Housekeeping, taking the children to activities, sports sessions, dropping them off and picking them up from school, shopping, etc. everything needs to be taken into account for mums who are considering working from home.
The idea is to get a clear picture of how much time you have left. In any case, it's always best to start a new activity at a moderate pace so that you can get used to it. Once you're comfortable, you can use all the time you want (or make adjustments).
What job ?
Wanting to work is one thing, but starting a business is quite another. To fulfil your potential, you need to find a job that allows you to reconcile your personal life as a stay-at-home mother with your new professional life. To do this, we recommend that you first choose an activity that can be carried out mainly from home, with completely flexible working hours. This will enable you to avoid time-consuming travel and optimise the management of your daily schedule.
Among the options available to housewives, independent door-to-door sales (IHDS) is often the ideal solution because of the great freedom it offers in terms of organisation. Most of the time, you just need to make a few simple changes to your home to get started and welcome guests.
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Good to know:There are no job vacancies for housewives as such in the VDI sector. You can apply at any time to the company of your choice. So start when it's most convenient for you. It could be at the beginning of the year, at the start of the new school year or at the end of maternity leave - it's up to you to decide.
What subjects are you passionate about?
Next, it's important to ask yourself about the areas that appeal to you. If you want to achieve your full potential, it's essential that you have an interest in your chosen subject, as this will be a key motivating factor when you get up in the morning.
Similarly, the future brand for which you are going to work must correspond to your values and your taste in fashion. For example, are you a fan of fashion and concerned about the environment? Choose an ethical ready-to-wear company !
If we take fashion as an example, the style of the collections should also suit you. Ideally, you should like the clothes and be likely to wear them. A strong appeal will help you to develop a better understanding and knowledge of the brand. This will make it easier for you to remember the characteristics of the products (manufacturing materials, product ranges, colours, body shapes, etc.).
In short, if you enjoy yourself while you work, you've got everything to gain in the long term !
Read also:How do you know if a brand is ethical ?
Door-to-door sales: additional income for stay-at-home mums
At Elora, we offer you become a home sales consultant. So you can combine the benefits of working from home in a 100% flexible way with your passion for fashion.
As a fashion consultant :
- you organise sales meetings with small groups ;
- you give advice to your customers ;
- you sell the collections of a brand you love ;
- and above're having fun every day.
Read also:How do you succeed in home sales ?
Independent door-to-door selling also has the advantage of being perfectly suited to the life of a stay-at-home mum. You don't have to follow a fixed schedule or travel to the office every morning. Every mum who chooses to work from home can manage her periods of activity as she wishes, depending on her day and her expectations in terms of turnover.
Do you only want to work during the week when your children are at school, or in the evening when they've gone to bed? Or do you prefer the weekend because it gives you more flexibility, and you can rely on your partner to look after the children while you work? That's entirely possible. It's up to you to get organised and create a schedule that suits you, and that will enable you to generate an interesting additional income.
The little bonus compared with VDI? If you're ambitious and want to become a professional over the long term, there are opportunities for development. You'll have the opportunity to manage teams, and why not train consultants once you've gained significant experience. In short, a career is open to everyone.
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Stay-at-home mothers and home sales: what are the prerequisites ?
At Elora, we lend you all our clothing collections. You don't have to make any advance payments, so you can start your VDI business without risk.
Before you start your new part-time job, you'll simply need to have a few prerequisites in place.
Taking stock of your objectives
Before starting your own business as a fashion consultant, you need to take the time to think about your personal financial goals. Whether you're looking to earn extra money, finance a medium- or long-term project or change career direction, it's important to know where you're going so that you can adopt the right strategy. This will give you a better grasp of your new position and a clearer idea of how much effort you'll need to put in to get the income you're aiming for.
PS: Here are a few examples of why women choose to work from home: finance holidays, build up savings to build a house, spoil the children at Christmas and on their birthdays, have money to treat themselves, etc.
Do I need a diploma to work as a VDI ?
Many aspiring fashion consultants ask themselves this question, but don't panic: you don't need a sales qualification. We offer you ahome sales training and seminars. Elora is committed to helping women to emancipate themselves and reveal their true potential in a job that matches their aspirations. We can train you in sales techniques, and our professional coaches are on hand to answer any questions you may have. They will help you to progress and perfect your skills so that you can give the best of yourself.
To embark on this new adventure, we simply ask mums who want to become fashion consultants to provide their social security number. This enables them to create their official status.
What qualities do you need to have as an advisor?
The only prerequisites for becoming a home fashion consultant are the following:
- motivation, because you are the main driving force behind your success ;
- curiosity and the desire to learn, to excel in your new activity ;
- the organisation and autonomy to excel in this new job ;
- the desire to be in contact with people with varied profiles and from different backgrounds ;
- listening skills, to be able to respond precisely to customers' needs (and sometimes even anticipate them!) ;
- a passion for fashion.
Read also: What is the role of a ready-to-wear sales assistant ?
So, are you ready for a new challenge?Become a home fashion consultant with Elora! We're always on the lookout for new talent.