The must haves in terms of reading for the VDI!
25 JULY 2018
The Elora library is back! To accompany your summer with a good dose of knowledge and keys to success, Elora has put together a list of interesting reading for your VDI activity and personal development. Ready, set, read!
The book "Storytelling: l'art de convaincre par le récit" by Jean-Marc Guscetti
We all love a good story, don't we? This book focuses on the art of storytelling: the ability to tell stories, with force and enthusiasm, that fascinate, bring people together and convince. In this book, you will find the basics of Storytelling and 64 stories to convince an unreceptive, rushed and information-hungry audience. "How can you convince people by creating a story that relates to your business, your idea or your product? Thanks to the methods and tools on offer, you'll be able to analyse every situation and make the winning move by telling the story that will set your audience in motion". Inspiring!
Read the beautiful stories of our successful Elora Home Fashion Consultants!
The book "Double your contacts" by Michael J. Durkin
A useful book for improving your prospecting process and not letting the first contact throw you off balance! This book also sets out techniques for developing your network and turning prospects into loyal customers, with a catalogue of concrete examples.
Summary: "How to approach a new person you'd like to meet and know exactly what to say to start a conversation without using stereotyped phrases. Techniques for dealing with requests for explanations over the telephone and still managing to arrange a face-to-face meeting with the prospect. How to detect your prospects' secret body language so as to seize the best moment to ask for their telephone number, without giving the impression that you need them!
The book "Je développe mon activité grâce à Facebook" by Franck Confino
Even though this book dates from 2016 and digital technology is advancing at the speed of light, here is a book that lays the foundations for creating an effective Facebook page, an essential tool for all business communication. Your Facebook page is the showcase for your business as an independent door-to-door salesperson, so you might as well make the most of it! We'd love to read this educational book!
Summary: "How can Facebook contribute to the success of your business? What are the pitfalls to avoid, the best practices, the tips and tricks you need to know? This book will guide you step by step through the process of creating and managing your professional presence on Facebook.
The "4H Week"book by Timothy Ferriss
A book that challenges the so-called "classic" organisation of our lives and gives us food for thought about how to do more in less time. You'll find a series of tips for organising your time better, automating tasks and taking concrete stock of our actions and their consequences. In short, it's a little bubble of inspiration that will give you a boost for the new school year! Our tip: A useful book for those who work a lot online, with a series of practical and pragmatic tips to put into practice.
Summary: " Do you dream of escaping the routine of the metro-busy-dodo, of earning money without burning yourself out, or quite simply of living better by working less? Then here's what this book will teach you: how to organise yourself so that, in one month, at the rate of 4 hours a week, you can earn the salary you've been earning for a year; how to join the New Blessed, who are realising their dreams and enjoying life without waiting for a hypothetical retirement.
For even more inspiration, read our VDI Guide to find out all about Direct Sales at Elora!
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