Find a part-time job at home
How can I work from home in addition to part-time work?
30 JULY 2020
In addition to your part-time job, you may want to start a home-based business. Here's our advice on how to make this transition in your professional career a success.
Working from home: what does the law say?
Before starting a home-based business, you need to meet the following conditions:
- you must be at least 18 years old;
- you must not have been convicted of a criminal offence;
- you must not be receiving pre-retirement benefits;
- you must not be subject to a management ban or personal bankruptcy;
- you must not be benefiting from a Contrat Emploi Solidarité (CES).
You should also check that your current part-time or full-time job is not incompatible with an activity such as home selling. This applies in particular to the following professions:
- civil servant ;
- notary
- bailiff
- lawyers ;
- chartered accountant and statutory auditor ;
- architects, etc.
Finally, if you are an employee, you will need to request a declaration prior to employment from your employer.
How do you declare the income from your home-based business?
Working from home means declaring your income. Every year in May, you have to declare what you earned during the previous year. When it comes to home sales, as offered by Elora, you have two options:
- if you work regularly as a VDI (Vendeur à Domicile Indépendant - self-employed home seller), you will need to complete the "Revenus industriels et commerciaux professionnels" (professional industrial and commercial income) section, as well as box 5KO "ventes de marchandises" (sales of goods);
- if your VDI activity is occasional, you should complete the "Other non-professional industrial and commercial income" section and box 5N0 "Sales of goods".
As far as commission is concerned, if you work for Elora, you will have the status of VDI mandataire. A commission is fixed and will be paid to you according to the sales made.
- If you work as a VDI on a regular basis, this commission should be declared under "Other non-professional industrial and commercial income", in box 5KP "Provision of services".
- If you work as a VDI on an occasional basis, these commissions should be declared under "Other non-professional industrial and commercial income", in box 5NP "Provision of services".
How can I combine two professional activities?
It is perfectly possible to carry out two professional activities. All you have to do is decide on the type of home-based job that's right for you. With Elora, we suggest that you work as a home-based sales assistant. There are many advantages:
- flexibility: you organise your own schedule, according to your wishes and availability. You work at your own pace, choosing your own hours;
- peace of mind: you don't have to meet any financial targets. On the contrary, the aim is to allow you to work while being your own boss and to help you make ends meet from home;
- sales support: if you work for Elora, you will be offered a wide range of marketing tools. Leaflets, invitations, catalogues, flyers... We'll help you build up your own network of customers by providing you with all the necessary materials, which will save you a lot of time;
- regular follow-up: Elora VDIs are closely linked to the company. If you have any questions about your activity as a VDI, your career development, your remuneration or the organisation of sales, a service is at your entire disposal. Training courses are available to help you improve your home sales and marketing skills.