Part-time work
How long does part-time work last?
05 AUGUST 2020
It's vital to know what the rules are on part-time working before you take the plunge. The number of hours per week, the minimum number of hours to be worked, the possibility of combining contracts... Here's our advice.
What is a part-time job?
In France, the legal working week is 35 hours. This number of hours may vary according to collective bargaining agreements. A limit of 48 hours a week has been set. As its name suggests, a part-time job (on a fixed-term or permanent contract) is a job that involves working for less than these 35 hours.
Length of a part-time job in the private sector
>In the private sector, the duration of part-time work is set by an agreement or an extended branch agreement. In the absence of one of these documents, the minimum working time is set at 24 hours per week, or 104 hours per month. However, if you signed a part-time employment contract before1 July 2014, no minimum working time will be imposed.
There are three derogations that may be requested by the employee with a view to reducing the minimum working time:
- a combination of activities: if you wish to carry out a complementary professional activity, it is possible to submit a request (in writing and giving reasons) to reduce the minimum working time applicable in the company;
- personal constraints: if you have to deal with constraints (particularly for health or family reasons), you can submit a reasoned written request to your employer;
- being a student under 26: if you wish to continue your studies while working part-time, you are entitled to work a minimum number of hours that is less than the minimum applicable in the company.
On the other hand, overtime may be worked on a part-time or half-time basis, up to a maximum of 1/10th of the weekly or monthly hours specified in the employment contract.
Duration of part-time work in the public sector
There are two types of part-time work in the public sector: part-time work as a trainee or permanent civil servant, and part-time work as a contract civil servant. The conditions are identical in both cases. An increase in salary will be applied and must be set by the agreement or branch agreement (minimum 10%).
You can ask to work for less than full-time, generally between 50% and 80% of the statutory 35 hours. You will be granted part-time work for a period of between six months and one year, renewable. There are various valid reasons for this:
- you have just had a child (birth or adoption)
- you need to care for someone close to you
- you have therapeutic needs
- you have a disability
- you have various personal reasons;
- you want to set up or take over a business.
All these reasons are the same for the State civil service, the local civil service and the hospital civil service.
A job to supplement your part-time work
If you want to supplement your salary, a self-employed activity such as door-to-door selling is a good compromise. At Elora, we offer you the chance to work as a self-employed home seller (VDI), with a range of benefits. The aim is to allow you to organise this activity according to your availability.
To become a VDI in addition to your part-time work, you must meet the following conditions:
- not be in receipt of early retirement benefits ;
- not be subject to a management ban or personal bankruptcy;
- be of legal age.