Customer care tips
Building customer loyalty on a daily basis
26 JULY 2017
Customer care tips: building customer loyalty is the key to success for Elora home-based independent retailers.
|FOCUS PROSPECTION| How can you build customer loyalty?
Recruiting a customer is great. Building loyalty is even better! Customer care is one of the essential components of the customer relationship that develops between a fashion consultant, a hostess or even a customer. Elora, prêt-à-porter à domicile, has put together a list of easy-to-apply tips for keeping in touch with your customers!
Building customer loyalty, one of the keys to success for independent home sellers
There are two fundamental objectives when you set up as a home-basedindependent seller : to find your first customers and your first hostesses so that you can generate sales at home meetings; and then to build up customer loyalty so that your business is sustainable. It's all about turning one-off customers into regular customers! What's special about home-basedindependent selling is that it involves the interaction of several profiles: the salespeople, of course, thehostesses, the buyers and the prospects. In this case, customer relationship management must be applied to all these layers. The more you apply yourself to customer care, the more your "clientele" in the broadest sense will become true ambassadors.
Elora's tips for building customer loyalty
-Be organised, the key to success as a VDI
Customer care isn't easy: it's a job that requires precision and time! Lack of time, lack of motivation - there are many reasons for putting this step aside. Elora advises you not to neglect this task. Not only will customer follow-up enable you to develop your sales and turnover, but it will also generate more business opportunities. To do this, be organised and keep a strict schedule. Set aside at least one hour for customer and hostess follow-up.
-Be precise: create an inventory of your clientele
All good VDIs need to keep a record of their exchanges, sales and potential contacts. Before making contact with your buyers, hostesses or prospects, be prepared to maximise the effectiveness of your contacts. Keep detailed files on each of your customers, with precise notes: surname, first name, telephone number, email address, last purchases, date of last conversation and subject discussed. We recommend that you open a spreadsheet (e.g. Excel) and update it every week to make sure you don't get left behind!
-Keep in touch to keep your business going
Now we're getting to the heart of the matter! Keeping in touch is the very essence of customer care. Be careful not to tire or spam your contacts. Timing and listening are crucial. By email, text message or telephone, you can adapt the contact according to the customer profile (make a note of this in your famous follow-up table!). Immediately after a door-to-door sale, thank the hostess and the buyers who honoured you with their visit within 24 hours. Then send them a short email to let them know about any upcoming sales, new products, the development of your business, promotions, etc. When you want to tell a former customer about a new door-to-door sale, do it in two stages: send an initial approach email to arrange a telephone appointment; then call her to tell her in more detail and create a different kind of dialogue. Be careful not to disturb her or offer her a new time slot to contact her.
-Develop professional tools to set yourself apart
To stand out from your competitors, be creative and create quality content around your work as an independent home seller! A professional Facebook page or blog will help you keep in regular contact with your hostesses and customers. Photographs, articles, testimonials - these are just some of the professional tools you can use to keep them coming back,
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