L'actualité home sales Elora - PAGE 2
How long does part-time work last?
05 August 2020
Home salesIt's vital to know what the rules are on part-time working before you take the plunge. The number...
Lire cet articleHow can I work from home in addition to part-time work?
30 July 2020
Home salesIn addition to your part-time job, you may want to start a home-based business. Here's our advice...
Lire cet articleStudying to become a sales assistant?
27 July 2020
Home salesIs it possible to become a sales assistant without training? The answer is yes! Elora tells you.
Lire cet articleWhich profession is best for part-time work?
21 July 2020
Home salesA part-time job is one where the daily, weekly or monthly working hours are less than the legal...
Lire cet articleWhat type of work from home?
07 July 2020
Home salesWorking from home is a dream for many people. But to succeed, you need to choose an activity that...
Lire cet articleHow do you choose your home sales company?
01 July 2020
Home salesDoor-to-door selling is a growth sector that offers many advantages. Choose a company whose...
Lire cet articleHow does a special fashion home sale work?
01 July 2020
Home salesHome sales are more convivial and personalised than traditional sales. Private sales are held in...
Lire cet articleHow do I find a part-time job?
25 June 2020
Home salesIncreasingly popular with workers looking for a better life balance, part-time work allows them...
Lire cet articleWhat is a part-time job?
18 June 2020
Home salesA part-time job is a job where the working time is less than the legal working time and the...
Lire cet articleDoor-to-door selling: how does it differ from traditional sales?
17 June 2020
Home salesTraditional retailing and door-to-door selling , also known as VDI , are very different....
Lire cet articleWho can become a VDI?
16 June 2020
Home salesVDI seller: what are the conditions for becoming a VDI? Elora tells you!
Lire cet articleIs it possible to become a personal stylist without a degree?
10 June 2020
Home salesA personal stylist (or personal shopper) will accompany her customers on their shopping...
Lire cet articleWhat is the difference between part-time and full-time work?
08 June 2020
Home salesPart-time jobs: Elora has the information you need!
Lire cet articleWhat is the role of a ready-to-wear sales assistant?
20 May 2020
Home salesFor some, the role of a ready-to-wear saleswoman is limited to selling. But that's not true -...
Lire cet articleHow can you find work quickly and without a degree?
20 April 2020
Home salesIt can be complicated to find a job quickly. And it's even more complicated to find the job that...
Lire cet articleHow do you supplement your income from home?
12 February 2020
Home salesDo you want to earn extra money to go on the holiday of your dreams, make ends meet or spoil...
Lire cet articleDoor-to-door clothing sales by Elora
08 January 2020
Home salesAre you passionate about the world of fashion and want to give your career a boost by becoming a...
Lire cet articleHome sales: a real opportunity to share
17 July 2019
Home salesWith the expansion of e-commerce and the opening of new shopping centres, consumers are looking...
Lire cet articleVDI or sales hostess: which status should you choose?
10 July 2019
Home salesAs a fashion enthusiast, there are several reasons why you might want to try door-to-door sales:...
Lire cet articleVDI fashion: a truly inspiring profession
01 May 2019
Home salesThe self-employed home salesperson, or VDI, is not considered as a salaried employee, but has the...
Lire cet articleTest 2024 pre prod
Découvrir la collectionReady-to-wear Summer 2023
We love summer: the sea, the sand, the blue skies, the holidays... Fashion Week has come and gone, so we have even more visibility on this season's upcoming trends. While Autumn-Winter saw a...
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